Jacob Newman, MDA, RDN, CD, IBCLC


PM Breakout Session - Care Coordination and the Role it Plays in Promoting Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health


Jacob Newman is a Health Program Coordinator for Utah WIC where he is primarily responsible for all formula and foods allowed on the Utah WIC program, he has been in his current role for nearly the last 2 years. Prior to starting work at the Utah State WIC office Jacob had spent the previous 6 years at the Weber-Morgan WIC clinic as one of the Registered Dietitians and local vendor coordinator. At the Weber-Morgan WIC clinic, Jacob was able to complete his Masters of Dietetic Administration. Jacob took interest in nutrition when he was a Health Care Specialist/Diet Technician in the Army Reserves. While an intern, in his pursuit to become a Registered Dietitian he loved his time at the Ellis Shipp WIC clinic in Salt Lake City that sparked desire in working at WIC. Jacob has had 3 children, which are his treasures. He spends all of his free time with his family doing activities such as kayaking, swimming, hiking, camping, and biking. Jacob has furthered his career by becoming an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. He plans to spend his career at WIC helping improve the health of pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women, infants, and children.

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