Alysse Loomis, LCSW, PhD


AM Breakout Session - Developing a Common Language for Trauma-Informed Care among Early Childhood Providers: Findings from a Pilot and Statewide Training Expansion

PM Breakout Session - Reflective Supervision as a Vehicle for Trauma-Informed Practice in Early Care and Education Settings


Alysse Loomis, PhD is a licensed clinical social worker and Assistant Professor in the College of Social Work at the University of Utah. Her research focuses on developing and evaluating trauma-informed early childhood systems to promote well-being for young children who have experienced adversity and trauma. Alysse also teaches courses on trauma-informed interventions and organizations and human behavior/development and is co-Project Director of a federally funded infant mental health training grant focused on trauma-informed, infant mental health pre-service training for social work and special education/early intervention graduate students.

Prior to moving to Utah, Alysse worked as a trauma-informed infant and early childhood mental health clinician as part of a home visiting program called Child First as well as in private practice, experience which informs her teaching and research. Dr. Loomis is also a project evaluator for a federal grant (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative Category III) in partnership with The Children’s Center Utah. Dr. Loomis is on the board of the Utah Association of Infant Mental Health, currently in the role of Past President, and is on the Editorial Board for the social work journal Families in Society.

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