Ilse DeKoeyer, PhD


AM Breakout Session - Ok, I Completed an ASQ:SE Screening… Now What? Developmental Screening and Early Childhood Mental Health: A Conversation Between a Curious Provider and an Early Childhood Development Expert

PM Breakout Session - Aligning Partners to Improve Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health: Learnings from Utah’s Early Childhood Mental Health Working Group


Dr. Ilse DeKoeyer has been fascinated by how babies and young children communicate so much, even before they can speak! This culminated in her current position as Early Relational Health Specialist at the United Way of Utah County, including the programs Welcome Baby and Help Me Grow Utah, where she has worked part time since 2015. She studied Clinical Developmental Psychology at the Free University of Amsterdam and earned a PhD in Educational Psychology at Utrecht University. She moved to Utah to conduct research on how infants and young children develop in the relationships with their parents. Subsequently, she taught at the University of Utah for more than 20 years, and currently still teaches for the Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Certificate at CSBS. She has been involved in the infant mental health movement in Utah since 2001, and was a founding Board Member of the Utah Association for Infant Mental Health in 2003.

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