Leah Colburn, CMHC


AM Breakout Session - Utah Department of Health and Human Services: State’s Perspective on Prioritizing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health and Why


Leah is with the Utah Department of Human and Human Services-Office of Substance Use and Mental Health (SUMH) and is the Administrator of Children and Adult Mental Health. She oversees the provision of public mental health services to children and adults with Medicaid and those that are unfunded. She serves as the Child Planner for the Mental Health Block Grant (MHBG) and oversees Utah MHBG funding across the lifespan. She is the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors Childrens Representative for Utah and the Western region. Leah recently graduated as a Maternal Mental Health Government Agency Fellow with The Policy Center for Maternal Mental Health.

Prior to work at the state level, Leah worked in community mental health, providing behavioral health services to at-risk and underserved youth and families in Utah. During this time, Leah supervised school-based mental health programs, intensive wraparound in-home programs, and crisis intervention programming. She has worked to advance community and clinical suicide prevention efforts statewide, and is a strong advocate for collaboration within the community to support system alignment and coordination, ensuring the best outcomes for all.

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