Child and Family Therapy

Child and Family Therapy

A young child's behavior and emotional challenges impact the entire family. Our therapy addresses not only the child’s concerns but works to help parents, caregivers, and siblings; all of whom are impacted by a child who is struggling.

Working together with all of the family members we are able to successfully help everyone in the family begin to feel better.

Family therapy sessions help parents and siblings explore their reactions to the child's challenges and work to create solutions that best meet the needs of the entire family.

If you are interested in our child and family therapy services and would like more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact our main line at 801-582-5534. 

Other Clinical Services

Assessment and Evaluation

Help begins with the first call to The Children’s Center Utah. An intake specialist will talk to you about your concerns and explain our assessment process. Each family presents with different challenges and concerns. A Mental Health Assessment is provided to make sure we understand your unique circumstances and create a treatment plan that fits your family’s needs.

First Visit

During your first visit with us, your child will be provided with a mental health assessment. This means you and your child will meet with a trained professional who will take a developmental history, discuss your child's challenges and make recommendations. You will be asked to complete a number of assessment tools that help us better understand your child's and your family's challenges and needs. This mental health assessment is the starting place for good treatment.

In-Depth Evaluation

At times, we may feel that more testing is needed to clarify your child's situation. One of our licensed psychologists will conduct an evaluation that includes:

  • A more detailed interview about your child's early years and current behaviors, and recommendations for additional testing.
  • At the conclusion of the evaluation, we will meet with you to discuss the results. We will explain your child's diagnosis and create a treatment plan to help get your child back on track.
  • While an assessment and evaluation may sound like a lot of meetings and tests, they are nothing to worry about! From your child's point of view, they're just a series of fun games and questions and will go a long way to help him or her on the path to a healthier and happier childhood.

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Medication Management

Some parents or caregivers may be concerned that their child has serious levels of inattention, severe temper tantrums or sleep challenges. They may not feel that these symptoms are improving with therapy alone and may choose to consider medication management. We can provide a careful review of your child's psychological and medical issues and discuss the benefits and risks of using medications with young children. If parents or caregivers decide to use medication as part of their child's treatment, they will meet regularly with a clinician to closely monitor their child's response to the medication.

Trauma Treatment

It is devastating as a parent to know or suspect your child may be a victim of trauma. The Children’s Center Utah is here to help families heal. Our clinicians are leaders in the field of trauma treatment for young children, and we work closely with each family to ensure the highest levels of care.

Young children who are exposed to traumatic events require specialized treatment in order to heal. If your child has witnessed violence in the home or your community, bullying, physical or sexual abuse, or experienced the traumatic loss of a caregiver we are here to help.

Our clinical team has received specialized training that allows us to provide evidence-based trauma treatment that will benefit your child and your family. “Evidence-Based” means that research has proven that the treatment will help your child heal.

During your first visit to The Children’s Center Utah, all parents and caregivers are asked to complete a traumatic events checklist. This will help your clinician carefully evaluate the impact of any exposure to trauma that may have impacted your child or your family. This also helps us evaluate the difference between behavior challenges and trauma symptoms. At the end of your assessment your clinician will carefully explain the results and, if appropriate, recommend a trauma treatment for your child's and your family’s needs.

If you are worried that your child may have been exposed to a traumatic event, please contact The Children’s Center Utah so that we can help your family begin the healing process.


  • Custody Evaluations
  • Custody recommendations
  • Forensic evaluations or interviews
  • Mediation Services
  • Supervised Visitation


If you are interested in our child and family therapy services
and would like more information or to schedule an appointment,
please contact our main line at 801-582-5534. 


Learn about our Therapeutic Preschool

This program provides necessary services for preschool-aged children, many of whom are struggling to succeed in childcare or preschool, and who need intensive group therapy to gain resilience and learn essential skills that will allow them to succeed in a traditional preschool setting and kindergarten.

Learn More

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